Zanthir's World

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Location: Monmouth, Oregon, United States

I create with an open heart.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


People in our life just voices in our heads. So because we all have a voice, each one of us is a voice inside of a really big head. Then the more clearly we express ourselves, that is, the more precisely we articulate what we really mean, the more clearly the great mind, the mind of God, can think.

So for now, let the universe, all dimensions, and everything be called the mind of God, then the more we communicate clearly and can come to agreement or come to understood disagreement, meaning you understand the other view, and accept it as a possibility, but reject it as your experience of the world, the emore clearly we can agree and be at peace in this way, the more clear and at peace will the mind of God be. So, here is one more way in which we affect reality.

Every word I read, every person I meet, becomes a voice in my head, even my own voice is a voice in my head. Like the mega sages of the world have always said though, you are not the voices in your head, you are the one who listens to them. So then, in my world too, I am the one who listens to the voices. Some times though, people are hard to listen to, because they have such pain, such rage, and such discontent inside them. Then those people really need to be listened to, they really need someone in their world who can demonstrate the act of being the one inside their head who is the one who listens to the voices, and is not just another voice.
